التبويبات الأساسية

Tlb lmHmy jhd dhbyn lmyn l`m llmm lmtHd@ `qd jls@ Try'@ stthny'y@ lljm`y@ l`m@ llmm lmtHd@ ltkhdh tdbyr Hmy@ ldrwz fy jnwb swry mn lbd@ ljm`y@ wtshkyl ljn@ tHqyq dwly@ bjry'm lbd@ ljm`y@ lHSl@ fy lswyd w`mwm jbl l`rb.wj fy Tlbh:<strong>H.E. Secretary-General of the United Nations</strong><strong>&nbsp;Sami respect</strong>Based on the resolution entitled "United for Peace" of 3 November 1950 (resolution 377 (V)) authorizing an emergency special session within 24 hours if there appears to be a threat to peace or a breach of peaceAnd based on the reality of the inability of the Security Council to take any decision on international crimes in Syria, including the crime of genocide that had already happened in the case of Druze IdlibAccording to the United Nations Charter, international laws criminalizing acts of genocide and the systematic and systematic genocide of Druze and Arab-Druze Druze against a demographic and Druze component, this was not the first act in this contextWe call upon you, without delay, to immediately convene an emergency special session of the General Assembly of the United Nations to take collective measures to safeguard and restore international peace and security and to protect the Druze minority in southern Syria, which is being subjected to genocide and to urge the international community to intervene internationally. The inability of the legitimate state in Syria to secure this protection until the effect of this measure ceases immediately after the creation of a comprehensive solution to the Syrian crisis under the umbrella of international legitimacy, including the prosecution of the perpetrators of the genocide that took place in Jabal Al Arab and the city of Suweida under the supervision of the motherWe also ask you to put an item that includes the request of the British Crown to abide by its international commitments to an agreement still in effect signed between the druze in historic Sham and the British Crown in September 1841, the Kingdom of Britain must provide comprehensive protection of the Druze and compensation in the event of defaultPlease accept Sami respectPlease do not let the druze in Syria&nbsp; suffer any longer.Respectfully,&nbsp;<strong>Lawyer Jihad Zebian - Lebanon..</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>jnb myn `m lmm lmtHd@ smy lHtrm</strong>stnd l~ lqrr lm`nwn " mtHdwn mn jl lslm " lmw'rkh fy 3/11/1950 ( lqrr 377 ( d - 5)) lty tjyz `qd " dwr@ stthny'y@ Try'@ " fy khll 24 s`@ , dh bd n hnk thdyd llslm w khrq llslmwstnd l~ wq` `jz mjls lmn `n tkhdh y qrr bkhSwS ljry'm ldwly@ lHSl@ fy swry wmnh jrym@ lbd@ ljm`y@ lty sbq n HSlt fy Hq drwz dlb.wstnd l~ mythq lmm lmtHd@ wl~ lqwnyn ldwly@ lty tjrm lf`l lty twSf bnh bd@ jm`y@ , wbsbb HSwl jrym@ bd@ jm`y@ mntZm@ wmmnhj@ bHq drwz jbl l`rb wlswyd Dd jz nw`y dymGrfy mn ldrwz wfqT ldrwz , whdh lm ykn lf`l lwl fy hdh lsyq .fnn nTlbkm wdwn y t'khyr bn td`w fwr l~ `qd jm`y@ `m@ stthny'y@ Try'@ llhyy'@&nbsp; l`m@ llmm lmtHd@ ltkhdh tdbyr jm`y lSwn w`d@ lslm wlmn ldwlyyn wHmy@ lqly@ ldrzy@ fy jnwb swry wlty tt`rD llbd@ ljm`y@ , wHth lmjtm` ldwly `l~ ltdkhl ldwly lnsny wt'myn lHmy@ ldwly@ ldrwz swry fy Zl `jz ldwl@ lshr`y@ fy swry `n t'myn hdhh lHmy@ `l~ n yzwl mf`wl hdh ltdbyr fwr ntj Hl shml llzm@ lswry@ tHt sqf lshr`y@ ldwly@ ytDmn mHkm@ mrtkby jrym@ lbd@ ljm`y@ lty HSlt fy jbl l`rb wmdyn@ lswyd wbshrf lmm lmtHd@ wnHmlkm msw'wly@ y tkhyr lTlb ljtm`km nTlbkm bwD` bnd ytDmn&nbsp; lTlb mn ltj lbryTny n yltzm t`hdth ldwly@ tjh tfqy@ l zlt sry@ lmf`wl mwq`@ byn drwz lshm ltrykhy wltj lbryTny fy ylwl 1841 twjb `l~ lmmlk@ lbryTny@ t'myn lHmy@ lshml@ lldrwz wlt`wyD fy Hl ltqSyr<strong>wtfDlw bqbwl smy lHtrmtHy@ mn nwrlmHmy jhd dhbyn - lbnn</strong>

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Lebanon Gate

في ظل تطور وسائل الإعلام وتغيّر أدوات التعبير والإتصال ونقل الأخبار، ومع موجة وسائل التواصل الإجتماعي، كان لا بدّ لنا من مواكبة العصر فكان موقع " ليبانون غايت" Lebanon Gate. أصبح من البديهي أن نقدّم الخبر والمعلومة بطريقة سريعة، فعّالة و تبادلية أيضاً. إن موقعنا هذا هو "بوابتك إلى الحقيقة" حيث نسعى إلى جعله منصّة يدخل القارىء من خلالها إلى المجتمع اللبناني والعالم العربي. هنا يطلع على كل جديد و حاصل. هدفنا إبراز الحقائق، توفير الوقت و مواكبة السرعة قدر الإمكان. أخبارنا من كافة المصادر المحلية و الدولية الموثوقة وتغطي كافة المجالات والميادين. موقعنا منبرٌ لكل صوت حرّ، صادق و حقيقي. طموحنا توسيع شبكة الإتصال و الأخبار لتطال كافة الأراضي اللبنانية والدول العربية أيضاً. فريق عملنا فريقٌ مستعدٌ ومتأهب على مدار الساعة لملاحقة الأخبار والمعلومات، الآراء والمقالات، وكل ما هو جديد ونوعي من أجل خدمة الناس دائماً.